Knock the Panties Off Strawberry

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smart @$$
Aug 18, 2009
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Just did last racking of my newest Strawberry, I made a strawberry wine using 30#s for 6 gallons . Starting SG was 1.09. at 03 I raised it back up to 08. Let it finish to 990. Racked,Then I mixed up 2 lbs of honey and 3/4 gallon of water and added turbo yeast. (By now you all know where this is going) I let it finish and stabilized. I bought 2 bottles of smucker strawberry syrup and warmed it and added pectic enzyme.Next day I added to wine(can I still call it that)I added fining to wine and it looks real nice now. I racked it today and tasted it. This is going to get some people(girls LOLOLOL) messed up when served over ice in hot weather. Sometime you just gota make BOOZE:se:)
By using turbo yeast late I avoid the nasty ester tastes but get alcohal content up
Mike, where were you at SG when you added the honey?

So what do you think you ended up with for a final ABV?
It is hot, I never checked and didn't care. Was just getting it high AC
I've been busy but want to look into this more. Leanne was telling me she successfuly got a batch up to 20 some percent just through chapatilization, but she didn't mention adding more yeast with the addition of more sugars.

Don't smoke around that stufff!!!

Turbo yeast has a 21% tolerance. If you start with it the wine tastes like crap because of all the esters. finishing with it solved that one . The stuff is still hot tasting but no different tasting than most mixed drinks. I am guessing I am close to 20% and am probably there. could even be a little higher. Did a concord grape like this and it is getting good after a year of sitting. The strawberry won't last though the summer
i think the label would look real good with a pin up girl on it! not to riske but still a sexy label!
Look for artwork by Frahm.