Lab assay equipment

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Jul 8, 2011
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I am trying to build a lab on a tight budget and have been looking into a microstrip/microplate reader rather than a standard spectrophotometer. Does anyone use this equipment in their lab and if so, how do you like it?
KSB, welcome to the forum. What are you going to be using this instrument for? Are you wine making? What have you made so far and making now. Sorry I couldn't help you more on this as many of us have labs but this is the first time I heard anyone wanting to use one of these.
Thank you for the response. I am actually very new to the wine biz. I work at a winery as the lab manager, directly with the winemaker. We have an old spec, which performs glu/fru and malic analysis. It's slow and we are looking for some different equipment. We use the megazyme kits and they now make a style which requires less preparation and can be used with microplate/microstrip/autoanalyzers and performs many more tests for the money.

Pretty sure nobody on this board is using a plate reader or spectrophotometer for anything.... Were doing good to have a pH meter and something to analyze for SO2. :sm

Welcome to the forums though!
Indeed! It was worth a shot, I suppose. A pH meter and SO2 analyzer was about all that was here when I started. Oh-and hydrometer. Lucky for me, they wanted more, creating a full-time job for me!
Your living the dream then, congrats to you! :br

We are a rag tag team of friendly amateur winemakers for the most part and a few of us have dreams of turning pro someday so we scour the internets for any and all info we can to improve our process and skill level always with the thought of making a better wine somehow! :try
OMG, a new toy. It's just a matter of time 'til Dan (Runningwolf) has one. LOL
Not a chance. Would get a ebulliometer first after I learned how to pronounce it. I am not getting one of these either. Hummmm maybe a "cash still" though! LOL
Not a chance. Would get a ebulliometer first after I learned how to pronounce it. I am not getting one of these either. Hummmm maybe a "cash still" though! LOL

Why would you get an ebulliometer when etoh determination by distillation is just as accurate, if not more, and costs far less to set up?
Why would you get an ebulliometer when etoh determination by distillation is just as accurate, if not more, and costs far less to set up?

cuz it is a thingy magig and Dan likes thingy magigs, even thou he can't pronounce it. :)
I think I got all the lab equipment I need (which is some what extensive) for the amount of wine that I do. I'll stick to the hydrometer readings for my alcohol %.

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