long blueberry fermentation

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Dec 3, 2007
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its been close to a month now of fermentation and i can still see small bubbles rising to the top of the carboy. It is at 0 brix.Is it still fermenting?
It could be as some wines will ferment down to as low as .990 but it also could be just C02 coming out of your wine. You need to check with your hydrometer in a few days and see if the SG is still the same.
I started a cranberry wine 6 weeks ago. SG started at 1090. A week later I started a second batch at SG 1110. The second batch got down to 1015 in 10 days. I stopped the femintation and racked. The first batch 6 weeks old is still firmenting and is at 1015. The SG dropped 10- 15 each week. I wanted it dry. I am thinking now of turning it into a sparkling wine.

This is the only batch that has been slow. Looking back I think that I should have stired. The firmenting batch ismore clearthan the clearing batch.
I used sulfiteand sorbate to stop the batch that started at SG 1110 My wife likes it sweet.

The other batch started at SG 1090 and is still going six week later. I have not done anything to it other than check SG
3 lbs cranberry
1 lbs dark raisins
1/2 tps pectic enzyme
1/2 tps energizer
1 campden, crushed
yeast 1118 ( 24 hour after Campden)
Sg= 1090

Edited by: Rocky Top
Trying to stop a fermentation in progress is usually not a good idea and sometimes doesnt work and can cause problems later like refermentation in the bottle. Neither of these chemicals is designed to stop a fermentation.
I plan to let it bulk age for at least 9 month. If it takes off again during bulk aging that is ok too. ( I will drink it 13% +) Otherwisemy mother, wife, two aunts and friendswill have it gone withina month after I age it in the bottle for a month. my last 2 gallon batch lasted a week. After 9 months of bulk aging without fermintation, what would you say the chances of starting back up in the bottle in the following two months would be?
Chances are good that they will not but have you ever had any referment in the bottle? I have once and its not pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty?? More like beautiful !! I painted one of my kitchen walls with welches. Nice random, abstact starbust. Good texture too. My wife did not like it!!!!
That is when started bulk aging.

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