Low PH

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Still waiting.........
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2018
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Last September I bought 18 gallons of fresh Malbec juice. The PH has always been low 3.16 range. Yesterday I racked for the third time and noticed a lot of tartaric chips on the bottom of the carboys. . My last racking was in December. But more than that the PH dropped to 3.11. Another oddity the color is very light and has been since day one. I’m starting to think this isn’t Malbec at all. How should I address this
What does it taste like?

pH is ionization level, and it normally varies inversely to the TA. But not always. If the wine doesn't taste acidic, then the TA is average or possibly low.

Color? You purchased juice. Some color is extracted in the juicing process, but to get real color you need fermentation on the skins.

Taste is key. What do you like and dislike about the taste and body? Once we know that, it's possible to offer advice.
I neglected to mention that I purchased six bags of skins from Label Peelers and used two per six gallons. When I taste the wine, its like I didn't use the skins at all.