Saturday i went to my transfer station(dump and while throwing out my trash I noticed what looked to be a very high end computer along with a very nice keyboard and a laser mouse. i also grabbed a nice boom box and a dvd player, ALL of it worked with the exception of a small problem with the computer but it fired up and i knew it was worth having it checked out. I got it back today after having a Pop capacitor replaced and had the comp wiper clean with my XP loaded in. It is a Pentium 4 2,8 Ghz, 250 gig hard drive, 2 dual layer dvd burners and 1 gig of Ram, and hs 4 fans to keep it cool. Its way faster then my older desk top so Im very happy. I think it was a gamers computer as those need lots of fans cause those games eat up resource. Its amazing what people throw out. I also grabbed another boom box which is an exact duplicate of the one this weekend so now my daughter and son have stereos, even the cd and dble tape players work along with full antennas. I have tokeep looking as there is always computer stuff over there like printers and desktops and monitors. I want to look for a comp for my son now as I want to keep my pld desktop in storage for awhile, hes 6 so I dont want him ruining that computer, its till to nice to give it to him.