Making a Glühwein

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I've been a fan of Gluhwein for many years and have used that one. But the best I ever had is made by my German neighbor. What does she use? Merlot. :D

I guess you could just whip up a batch and let it simmer for a bit to extract the flavors. Let it cool, give it some sorbate and sulfite, then bottle.
Gluhwein Recipe

We have been drinking Gluhwein for years, and learned how to make it in Germany when we lived there. This recipe is from a traditional Schwabische family:

1 bottle of wine (red or white, although red is traditional)
an equal amount of apple juice or cider
1/2 c honey
couple of cinnamon sticks
1 star anise
3-4 cloves

Heat just until hot, and honey is completely incorporated. For an added touch, float a couple of slices each of lemon and orage.
*This is actually a good way to use a less favorite wine, as you are infusing it with so many other flavors.
Personally, I crush nutmegs, cloves, orange zest and cinnamon together, then put this in a jar. It keeps forever!

Whenever I feel like drinking Glühwein, I pour wine in a large cup, and microwave it. Then, put some of that mixture in one of those metal balls meant for tea and let it soak for a few minutes. Tastes really good ;)
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