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Oh, I forgot to mention, yes mostly fruit. We used to make vast quantities (for home consumption) I hope that the Inland Revenue read this, and fruit seemed to pop up with regularity among our many successes. We have tried other sources, oak leaf, potato, strange things that someone has written a recipe for, but often they were not much of a success at all; potato is a case in point, who in their right mind would make a wine from potato, then write a recipe and publish it? We were stupid enough to try it. One rule of life, don't believe everything you read in books.... but at least you learn through mistakes! We are NOT trying potato wine again.

Of course, someone here will be thinking, this is an opportunity missed, we should have distilled it and made it into vodka!

One non fruit wine I remember making that was a success was parsnip, I'm tempted to try that one again.
