marquette vs frontenac

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Does Marquette grow slower than Frontenac? I planted them about the same time. Now all the Marquette is still in the tube while all the Frontenac has grown out.
I also planted CabSav, Leon Millot, Sommerset and Concord. The general trend is that the one with plastic mulch grows much more than the ones without. I am not sure its the mulch or the species that made the difference.
Frontenac is a bit more vigorous than Marquette, but not by much. In my opinion it is a blessing not a curse. Frontenac can be just too plain vigorous. Black mulch warms the soil and thus can make the vines grow faster.
By the way they are all the same species - grape. You are thinking variety.
In my vineyard, Frontenac is significantly more vigorous than Marquette. It also seems to have more fruit. I haven't harvested yet (critters ate all of my fruit last year!) so I can't say anything about the fruit quality. I did do a small amount of cluster thinning on both varieties.

Chuck Crisler
New Hampshire

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