Mosti Mondiale Meglioli SG

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2008
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My meglioli Cabernet sg was at 1.00 about 5 days ago during secondary fermentation. I stirred it and let it set until today. Still read 1.00 so I racked and clarified it. My question is, do these sometimes not get down to a .996 reading even though they are fermented to dry or am I going to have a slightly sweet wine?
What was the temp during fermentation as cooler temps will usually make it struggle and quit early.
From what I have heard.... Meglioli kits rarely have troubles fermenting, So I (and Wade) suspect that there may have been an outside factor. (temp, ect.)

I still think it will turn out great.
Temp was 66 when I pitched the yeast but it was kept in a room that stayed at about 70 degrees and warmed up pretty fast but that probably was the problem. I will have to watch that in the future. Thanks for the information.
Thanks Wade and Goodfella. I told my wife she might even like it if it's a little on the sweet side.
You should start off i warmer temps and at minimum finish off in warmer temps meaning finish fermenting and degas. While in the middle it creates its own heat and will usually gain a few degrees while vigorous. You should try and keep it around 72-75* for best results.