Merry Christmas!

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Please accept my thanks for all the help I have so graciously received here and my wishes that you have a joyous Christmas.

Will do and Ill even extend my thanks back at ya for joining this forum and helping us make this forum the 2nd(I Think) biggest(But the best) wine forum on the internet!
Edited by: wade
Merry Christmas all!

Gina and I bottled about half of our first home made wine yesterday. We applied the lables today. Pics to follow. Thanks to all for your advice and support.Edited by: K&GB
K&GB, hey where are those pics?
Okay, here they are...

How do you get these corks in ?????!!!


Oh yeah, a corker. Now how do you use it ???? Ahhhhh


Finished product (lables still wet)


Hmmm, wonder how that Cab's coming along... Let's taste and see!


I really hope my white clears like that. I just racked it to the carboy and it looks like a banana smoothie.
Kind of scary, isn't it? You look at that banana-smoothie-lookin-stuff and just can't believe that it will clear. This is where that old time issue comes into play. Just follow your instructions and feel free to bulk age a bit for additional clearing.
Your wine will clear nicely just make sure you degas your wine well before adding the fining agent or it will not clear well and keep your temps where they should be as per instructions until clear if using fining agent. A filter will take your whites to the next level if you decide to get 1. I use the chap Vinbrite gravity filter and it takes about 45 minutes to run through but the best part of this is that I can get every drop of wine off the lees(sediment) without transferring any into my next carboy or bottles for that matter.
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<td width="5%"><div align="center">
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Vinbrite Filter

Comes with 6 Crystalbrite filter pads (see item #5294)</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$43.99</td>
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Edited by: wade
1. I tip the carboy and put some kind of a awedge under 1 side a day or 2 before I rack so that the sediment(lees) will be in 1 corner and then I put the racking cane in the other side and rack through filter into fresh carboy or primary w/spigot if Im going to bottle.

Edited by: wade
Wade, if you plan on bulk aging, when do you filter? Do you still do it prior to bottling?
I follow direction with the kit and when it has dropped all sediment from adding fining agent or just by using time, I then rack and filter into a sanitized carboy with 1/4 tsp of k-meta and begin bulk aging. after 3 months I will check the free SO2 with a test kit and see if it needs more.
<table ="Catalog" id="products" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="table" align="default" width="2%"><div align="center">301-10 </td>
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Accuvin Free SO2 Test Kit - 10 Tests

Free SO2 Kit includes 2 High Range Tests (red caps) and 8 Low Range
Tests (green caps), 20 samplers, and an insert with complete how-to-run
instructions. The insert also includes a Summary Interpretation
explaining how to use the test results. The label with the color chart
is on the front of the kit.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$21.99</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$21.99 </td>
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