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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Today was Game Fishing Opener in Minnesota....one of the Social Events of the Year ...more popular than deer hunting, which ranks high up there.

Jim had our wheat and corn planted so we thought it would be a good day to do a Road-Trip head South and visit some friends in our old stomping grounds...

With very cold temperatures the towns lacked the 'Carnival Atmosphere' that is usually in the air...

One of the bigger of the 10,000 Minnesota lakes is Leech lake...it was pretty grim...

Usually full of boats...there was still a skiff of rotten ice floating around...


Even the gulls weren't going in there...Most of the area gulls are on the golf courses...


All the docks and boat ramps were pretty empty....


Yes...that is ice pushed up on the rocks....The DNR were warning fishermen to watch the winds as the winds drift the ice into bays and could block a boat ramp you entered the lake on.

The towns were pretty empty....Guess in the area town where we use to live the 'Carnival Atmosphere' was yesterday... here is one of my friends entertaining the Governor...she's on the right.


Today they were rolling up the big tents....But it was the day the Governor chose to fish on Pelican Lake across from one of our friends house...there was still some Press and Security going on...Haven't heard if he caught anything...other than a cold.

We had a fun day...visited friends...did a plant exchange of fruiting bushes for the 'Wine-Effort'.

On the way home we entertained the thought of stopping at one of the Casinos, soak up some atmosphere, leave a 'donation' and grab something to eat.....Guess where all the fishermen are?????

So it was a good day....Guess there was some snow here after we left, so didn't have to see that and break our spirits.....We got to hug some friends....Get some plants...and found a great 'road-kill'....a new live jacket was on the road...must have blown out of a fishing boat....

Life is Good!!!
It really needs to start warming up there NW. Still ice in the lake? At least here Lake Champlain has been thawed for aa month and a half- but then it never totally froze over here again. My nephew was in his kayake and a friend overturned and ran into trouble so he went in after the friend. They both had to be treated for hypothermia, but are doing fine now. They are still "ice fishing" there with the governor!
We had heard that the larger lakes in the North still have skiffs of ice [only the really big lakes]...we had to see it to believe it.....

It has greened up here today, had 1/2" of rain in the rain gauge this evening.....

Saw some Orioles and other summer birds on our friends bird feeders.....

Think we are on a roll now.
Dang Nw...Thats about the size of the bait I use for flathead catfish down here..
Great pics..Thanks for sharing them Edited by: Waldo