MLF questions

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May 17, 2024
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Reno, NV
Hello brilliant winemaker, I hope you can help me. Our primary fermentation has just completed and we pressed and racked our merlot grapes. We ended up with a little more than 8 gallons of fermented wine with a pH of 3.35 and specific gravity of 0.992. Our initial sp. gr. was 1.098. I have 2 different ML bacteria packets (66 US gallon size) to choose from: Viniflora CH16 and Vinifllora Oenos 2.0. My questions are 1) which one would you use, 2) would you add Acti-ML and 3) how do you break that down for the individual carboys. I currently am using a 5 gallon carboy and 3 1 gallon glass jugs and a masaon jar (my 3 gallon carboy is aging Cab).

Thank you for sharing your wisdom,
Congrats on getting through your primary fermentation! Both Viniflora CH16 and Oenos 2.0 are solid choices, so you can't go wrong with either. If you're looking for a quicker and more temperature-tolerant option, CH16 is great. Oenos 2.0 is more traditional and works well in cooler environments.

As for Acti-ML, it's definitely a good idea to add it, as it provides essential nutrients to support the MLF. It will give your ML bacteria the best chance of success.

To break down the bacteria for your carboys:
  • For the 5-gallon carboy, use about 1/13th of the full packet.
  • For each 1-gallon jug, use about 1/40th of the packet.
  • For the mason jar, just a tiny fraction will do (think of it as a pinch of bacteria).
Just make sure the wine is at the right temperature (ideally between 64-72°F) and that the SO2 levels are low enough for the ML bacteria to thrive.
I found the easiest way to add the proper proportions is not by weight, but by volume. Mix the bacteria with 100ml of water. While keeping the solution stirred add 56 ml to the 5 gallon and 11 ml to the 4 others others. If you are off a little it doesn't matter since you are adding more than what is needed.
I found the easiest way to add the proper proportions is not by weight, but by volume. Mix the bacteria with 100ml of water. While keeping the solution stirred add 56 ml to the 5 gallon and 11 ml to the 4 others others. If you are off a little it doesn't matter since you are adding more than what is needed.
Perfect!! Thank you for your help!
Congrats on getting through your primary fermentation! Both Viniflora CH16 and Oenos 2.0 are solid choices, so you can't go wrong with either. If you're looking for a quicker and more temperature-tolerant option, CH16 is great. Oenos 2.0 is more traditional and works well in cooler environments.

As for Acti-ML, it's definitely a good idea to add it, as it provides essential nutrients to support the MLF. It will give your ML bacteria the best chance of success.

To break down the bacteria for your carboys:
  • For the 5-gallon carboy, use about 1/13th of the full packet.
  • For each 1-gallon jug, use about 1/40th of the packet.
  • For the mason jar, just a tiny fraction will do (think of it as a pinch of bacteria).
Just make sure the wine is at the right temperature (ideally between 64-72°F) and that the SO2 levels are low enough for the ML bacteria to thrive.
Thanks for your help!