Mosti Mondiale MM Alljiuce Bucket

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Jan 21, 2010
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Anybody reusing the bucket the Alljuice kits ship in as a primary fermenter? It seems such a waste to throw them away. Only problem is the lid. I don't think it can be convinced to seal again once it has been opened.
You don't need to snap the lid when in primary anyways so yes it can be reused- but it isn't 7.9 gallons- more like 7 so it can be a bit small. Save it for smaller 3 gallon batches. Other uses exist for it also - such as a corkidor.
I use mine all the time for racking. Transfer to the AJ bucket, dump gross lees or sediment, clean carboy, rack back.

Like Appleman said it's a bit on the small side for a primary but a very nice bucket none the less and way to good to just toss!
Agree, too good a bucket to waste. I use this bucket for sanitizing equipment and utensils. It is tall enough for everything I use except for the siphon assembly. I kept the original lid and place everything in with K-meta, spray everything down with a spray bottle,and place the lid back on and let it sit for a while. Works great.
Uh, guys, I agree that the Alljuice buckets are useful for other purposes, but just how many do you propose to keep? I had three sitting around collecting dust, when the wife asked why not throw at least 2 of them away? If you expect to do more Alljuice kits in the future, you will have even more. Even using Appleman's suggestion, there are only so many 100s of corks one needs to keep on hand.

If you haven't been to George's store, you can only imagine how many of those buckets he has stacked up ready to be sold (they easily consume more square footage of his store than any other type of kit). I would guess he averages 200 at any given time. Those things have got to be going somewhere, ultimately.

Bottom line, you're going to have throw them away/recycle them eventually, because they seem to reproduce like carboys.
I have three ATM. They stack nicely one inside the other so space is not an issue yet and I will recycle when necessary of course. I have found the Renaissance kits to be just as good and cheaper to ship so have been making alot of those lately. They also make good stands to place your carboy on top of when filtering giving you more head presssure. Place the bucket on top of your counter or table, then carboy on top of the bucket. You need to be careful of course when doing this (no small kids or cats around!)
Guys I use one for a bottling bucket... Put a spigot in it and it is good to go...
See, lots of good uses. If you run out of uses, send them my way. They make great picking buckets for grapes, fruit or veggies. Then I could even sell the must from grapes to people wanting the real experience. Endless uses.
Not an approved food grade use, but one of mine gets used whn I clean out the gutters or do other work around the house.

How much would it cost for MM to go from a 7 to a 7.9 gal bucket? I would pay a little more for the kit to have more useful buckets!
Scott that sounds good, but there is a lot more involved than just a little added cost of the container. It is a volume thing. The extra gallon of airspace is more costly than just the bigger pail. Storage requirements in inventory both for Mosti and the retailer would go up- and space costs money. Then there is the shipping concern. A new packaging pillow would be required,more cost and labor to install it. When they ship in the current pail, it is pretty full. If ther pail were a gallon larger, the contents could move around- which would be bad, so the air pillow would be needed. I think that they are concerned with those things and not our re-use of the pail.

Other thoughts?
When I first saw a picture of the AllJuice kit I thought the whole idea of the bucket is that they can be fermented right in that bucket. I thought that would have been a cool marketing idea... but I guess not.
Heck, I've got one in my garage with about 3 gallons of used motor oil in it. More secure for transporting to recycle.
Scott B said:
Hmmmm, Motor Oil Wine! May be a little earthy for me!

I heard it gets better with age; but, is very difficult to get a good fermentation going.

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