Mosti Mondiale MM Amarone - Should I be worried?

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Apr 23, 2011
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Hi, I'm new around here and have started making my first wine kit, MM Amarone. I followed the directions, and switch the wine to the secondary at an SG 1.050 after 3 days (it said to be within 1.040 to 1.050). As the finevinewines website suggested, I placed some of the wine in a bottle (I'm guessing, because its still very active and would cause overflow) and the rest into the carboy. I noticed at around day 9 in the secondary, the temperature was getting a bit cold at 68 degrees F and the SG was reading at 1.001, so I increased the room temperature to 72 and the wine temperature is now 70. It's day 11 and the SG hasn't changed. Should I be worried? I see bubbling from the airlock about every 4 to 5 minutes. Is the fermentation stuck or still going? According to the MM directions, it should be done in 2 days and read .996.
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I wouldnt be to worried about that. Id get the temp up to 75 and throw a pinch of energizer in there and give it a good stir.
I guess I should wait then? Being that it's my first kit, I have yet to invest in additives such as energizer. If this kit goes well, I wil probably make fruit wines. To control the temperature, I have been immersing the carboy in water and using a fish tank heater to regulate the temperature (it's in a basement) and can't get the temperature over 72 degrees (a friend uses this for beer brewing).
It should be fine, I've had many fermentations that took many days to go from 1.001 to.996. [ Mine were all below 72*]And if it doesn't get that low the wine will still be fine, though just a tad sweeter. Roy Fightingtown Creek Wines
72* will work. It will be a little harder to degas at tat temp though so give it a little extra work at at that! Give your wine a good stir to get some of the yeast that may have gotten buried suspended again so it can do its thing and eat some residual sugar instead of it being down there and eating dead yeast cells that may produce off flavors.
I gave it a good stir and lots of the oak chips that I added in the beginning floated back up. Hoping for the best. Wishing I lived in a warmer climate about now!