Mosti Mondiale MM Barolo

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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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Hi all,

I am starting my alljuice Barolo kit and am getting comfortable with the instructions however in the instructions it says to add the oak chips to the secondary fermenter and leave in for approximately one week. My questions are do i rack off the wine after one week? and if so i cannot imagine that the specific gravity will allow me to do so or is it ok to leave the oak in until the secondary is finished? if i leave it in until i rack off the secondary will the wine be overoaked? or do i put the oak in a hop bag and pull it out in one week? What are your experinces with this and how much more oak in flavor will it add if i did leave it in until racking?

Thanks for the input
Not knowing how much oak we are talking about, I can't imagine how waiting for it to finish fermenting with the oak would over oak your wine. I have found must of the kits are under oaked - but thats just me.
It's just the oak package that came with the kit. The instructions say to leave ion secondary for approximately one week. And I'm thinking O.k. how do i get it out of there!!! after a week so in your experience just leave it in there until racking off of secondary and i will not have to worry about overoaking?
What you would do is rack the wine off the oak into another carboy. Its your choice but I wouldn't worry about that and again I would be considering how much more to add while its aging.
Most of the oak flavor will be extacted from the oak chips in a weeks time....I would just leave it in the secondary untill it is done [just what I would do]...Should be a very nice wine...Good Luck
Thank you for your answers. I do not think there is a single question that i could ask that could not be answered on this forum. Thanks again for your experience!!!!!!!