Mosti Mondiale MM MLE Rojo Grande + ALLGRAPE Pack+ raisins

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Mar 1, 2009
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So I got a MM MLE Rojo Grande this year (with ALLGRAPE pack ), put it in my 10gal primary and read the directions
( pretty lame eh.. ) Of interest is that while this kit came with both raisins and the ALLGRAPE pack, the instructions say to use one or the other "DO NOT USE BOTH"
So what are others doing ? ( with the pack added, well stirred in start was 1.096 at 72f (w/o temp comp)
yeast is EC-1118, tempted to add the 1 lb raisins in a few
day as chapitalization ( i also have some yeast nutrient avail ) but anyone think the end flavour would be better / worse ? with the raisins added..
I got the MMM Amarone and MMM Rojo Intensio both with raisins and grape packs. I used the grape pack and put the raisins in the freezer for future kits.
Did you take an sg reading after about 24 hours of adding the grape cause they usually bring the sg up to around 1.105 or there abouts, but they need time to do this. Its like dumping undissolved sugar in there, some of it will incorporate into the wine raising the sg. Some of it will dissolve into your win e from any enzymes in the batch, some will get pulled out once the alc is starting to get made.
I believe what they are attempting to achieve is to create a deep raisin background in the wine as it was meant to be,the fpac is adding to the tannin somewhat and color while the raisins are adding to the abv,and the taste as they were designed to...just my opinion
I made the Renaissance version of this kit based on a recommendation from George. It is turning out to be pretty fantastic. I updated my thread on the Kit just recently by saying I would make this guy again in a heartbeat. I would toss in a CC Cab Sauv grape pack. The fact that it taste amazing w/o a grape pack is in itself a huge compliment to this kit.
I agree Mike that is a fantastic kit and one of our favorites. I do plan on making this again but no grape pack. The wine is truly amazing as is and I don't want to change a thing, besides Amarone is fermented on nice sun dried raisins not skins and I want to keep the profile. Unless I try Appleman's port, or something similar.... Perhaps I'll just get 2 kits.
lindseyd said:
tempted to add the 1 lb raisins in a few

day as chapitalization ( i also have some yeast nutrient avail ) but anyone think the end flavour would be better / worse ? with the raisins added..

Worse, Lindsey. I am sure there is a good reason for "BUT NOT BOTH" in the instructions. No way I would take a chance with a top of the line MMM kit. You probably will end up with a 15% ABV wine as it is.

What you should do is buy another MMM Rojo Grande kit without the GP and make it with the raisins and compare. I don't remember reading any threads on such a comparison. I will watch for that thread in 2014 when the 2 wines are mature.