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First try at extended maceration in an attempt to produce red wine that I want to drink not that I have to drink because it clutters my spare room, I started ferment on the 24th July with Mosti Mondiale Vinifera Malbec with the addition of their 4KG grape pack, I got concerned about vigorous ferment early as my 30 litre bucket was filling up quickly , I stirred twice daily for two weeks and it never became an issue. After two weeks fermentation finished and to make sure of air tightness I sealed the bucket with electrical tape and it worked as airlock sucked water in if I moved at all, I continue to swish to hydrate the grapes daily, after 5 1/2 weeks, Monday 31st August I transferred into my pet carboy successfully and was happy how clear my wine was, I added the sulphites pack and later degassed for quite a while , the next day I degassed again and was surprised at still how much co2 was escaping.

As I’m ageing for six months I’m hoping it’ll degas naturally, It’s now a week later and the wine is  slightly cloudy and there is a slight amount of sediment on the base of carboy, I haven’t used any Chitosan or Kieselsol yet as I was intending on letting it clear with time .

So I’m at the nervous stage , I planned leaving for a month before racking and no clearing and after six months transfer to my oak barrel, but I’m contemplating bentonite , Chitosan and Kieselsol, any extended maceration veterans out there with any calming words , thanks
