My backyard was lacking:

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Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Western New York
Wagon wheels

I've been casually looking for some wagon wheels to hang on the back fence and dress up my yard for some time now. Last week there was an ad in our local community paper for 1 wooden and 2 steel wagon wheels and I was interested but I was too busy to call the number. So when the same paper was delivered this morning I looked and the ad was still there. I called and they were available so I went and looked at them and bought them. But as the steel wheels are 45" across I then had to call a friend to come with his family minivan to load them into. The wooden wheel was dry rotted and fell apart so that's in my trash bin but I was really more interested in the pair of steel wheels. I think they look pretty good on my 6' fence. Not bad for 30.00 (for the pair) :D:D:D

Wagon wheels  10 16 10.jpg

Wagon wheels 1  10 16 10.jpg

Wagon wheels 2  10 16 10.jpg
They're a good size Larry.. I'd be inclined to paint them red so they stand out a bit more from the fence.. but then again, I like red in the garden.

Looks like you have a good sized yard to play with..what are you planting?

Larry, i see the wood wheels for sale all the time around here and they start out about $35 a piece. I have not seen any steel ones. You got a nice buy :b
They're a good size Larry.. I'd be inclined to paint them red so they stand out a bit more from the fence.. but then again, I like red in the garden.

Looks like you have a good sized yard to play with..what are you planting?


I have to agree, I like red.
They're a good size Larry.. I'd be inclined to paint them red so they stand out a bit more from the fence.. but then again, I like red in the garden.

Looks like you have a good sized yard to play with..what are you planting?


Along the fence I have clematis, rose of sharon, trumpeter vine, & wisteria. In the yard are a couple grape vines, hops vines, 3 apple trees, a couple rows of raspberries, a row of strawberries, various flower beds, and my veggie garden.