My Blackberry Skeeter Pee is as black as ink!

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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I used 64 ounces of realemon, 3 pounds of blackberries (frozen) and 2 or 3 pounds of peaches (frozen). It stayed in the primary for about three weeks as I think I forgot to put in starter and nutrient. It was not fermenting so I put in some more and was going to restart with yeast but after putting in the nutrient, it started almost fizzing. It then fermented to dry.

At about .95, I added cambden and sorbate. I racked it and then added the juice of 3 pounds of blackberry as a F-pack.

I added bentonite and I am pretty sure it cleared good. I put a light behind it and you can barely see a glow. It is as black as ink.

Hoping it will have a nice berry flavor. Will let you know.

Thanks for all the help.
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