My Bride

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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
From time to time, I have referred to "my Bride," whom you see at the left in my avatar. Today is her birthday (which birthday is not for publication) and tomorrow is our anniversary (48th!). In all that time I have not been able to determine what she saw in me so many years ago but she turned my life around. I am grateful for her and the time we have had together.

In another thread, someone asked for our New Year's Resolutions. I always make the same one but seldom succeed and that is to be better friend, partner, lover and more deserving of her. Even though I have failed in the past I will also resolve to keep trying.
Rocky, wish her a happy birthday from me and Rocky, was it legal to marry a 10 year old?
Happy Birthday Bev!

Rocky does she know you posted this? That is an awesome tribute to her and I have met her and she truly is an awesome person.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Rocky, we all know that she must have the patience of a saint...LOL!!!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Rocky.:hb And a big congratulations on your Anniversary :pty
You must be doing something right !
What a wonderful post to commemorate these special occasions. I don't know how you started out Rocky, but I think you're making progress :br

Congrats to your both!
I feel you are both truly blessed to have found each other! Congratulations.

Congratulations for you both !
I had no idea that she is at least 48 !!

Thanks for all your knowledge and postings on this forum
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That's beautiful Rocky (of course I won't let my wife read your make us look bad). Happy birthday to Mrs. Rocky
As is usually the case Rocky, I agree 100% with you. I also wonder what she saw in you so many years ago.

But, anyhow, Happy Birthday Mrs. Rocky and happy anniversary to you both. Congratulations.
48 years of marriage... you must have done something right. Perhaps your success lies in just simply trying to be a better spouse

Thank you all for the kind comments and good wishes. When I look back at our 48 years, at times it seems like we have been together forever and at other times is seems like it was only yesterday that I was home on leave for our wedding. I was in the Army, stationed in Germany, and we went back to Europe together for a year. It was a great way to start out, on our own, no cell phones to call home, no families to influence us and if we had "an issue" we had to solve it ourselves. I have always believed that that year was foundational in our marriage.
Congrats to both of y'all Rocky. Hope you opened something special with dinner last night. Behind every good man is a great woman.