A couple of people have asked what the "carboy twister" is and how it works. I used to get a fine sediment on the sides of my carboys as the wine cleared. One solution suggested on this site was to slew the carboy back and forth to loosen the sediment and make it fall to the bottom. That worked well, but was somewhat difficult to do, particularly with large carboys. I purchased some lazy susan hardware and used two pieces of scrap wood to make the piece below. I am showing 1. the hardware, 2. the twister alone, 3. the twister with a 3 gallon carboy (but all sizes work) and 4. the underside of the twister with an access hole so that the hardware can be screwed to the second piece after attaching it to the first. It is easy to make and works by setting a carboy on top and slewing the twister one way then the other repeatedly until the sediment falls.