My Craigs List Score

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user 17778

May 25, 2010
Reaction score
:db I've been reading about everyone else's Craigs List scores and took a look my self at the Phoenix Craigs List. Score!!! Today I got 1 -5 gal, and 3-6.5 gallon glass carboys for $34 total. They are a little dirty from sitting outside but good shape, no chips. I've decided I'm going to bulk age my wines so these carboys will come in handy. Now I need to save my money for more kits.:try
Nice score but remember that you need to keep them full when aging. Kits make only 6 gallons so you need a "like" wine added to fill the difference
Nice score but remember that you need to keep them full when aging. Kits make only 6 gallons so you need a "like" wine added to fill the difference

Is it possible to fill the empty 1/2 gallon space with CO2 before putting on the airlock??? Or you can add marbles or something else to take up the space right? Or perhaps make up two kits and put 6.5 gal in one carboy, 5 gal in the second carboy and the rest in a 1/2 gal jug.:tz
I would not rely on the Co2 but the others are OK
Thanks Tom,
Wondering about the CO2. Is the problem that you can't keep it in or that you can't tell if you still have it topped up with CO2 or you just don't want that much space with CO2?
Al of the above.
I have a wine club member that uses nitrogen instead.(its heavier)
Nice score - i found a lady selling 6 gallon carboys for $5 a piece - by the time she replied to my email - they were all gone :(