My first time to make Dandiline wine

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The wife needed the room , she has been my nurse ,cook feeds the goats and dog , takes out the garbage , Sothe least i could do is move it for her ( I just had double Hernia surgery las Thursday)

Sorry to hear abouthaving to go through the Hernia surgery! You take it easy and don't be lifting anything heavy!

Is the Dandillion wine foaming very much? With the wine that close to the bung, you are likely to push wine into the airlock if it gets very active.

I love the color of this wine. I'm going to have a contest for my two boys as soon as they start popping up here in Ohio. Should be able to get enough to make a few gallons if I offer a few bucks for a few gallons of flowers.
So far it hasnt gone into yhe air lock, Now thats the way to go trick ur kiddo's to pick the flowers ,When i was younger my dad told my 2 brothers and I he would pay us a dollar for the one that had the best garden spot,We each had to grow different veggies, He got the veggies all for a dollar . It was a goodd learning experince , I am almost 70 yrs old and plant a garden every year

My youngest (10) will work all day for a dollar, but my teenagers have figured it out, but the 10yr old has lots of buddies that would love to have a buck for picking flowers