My other car - a crown vic

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Well, this is my other car - since we are a volunteer group we do not have guns or red lights/sirenswe still can have fun. But we do have radios and can get assistance immediately if needed. Ya know, when a car approaches you from the rear fast - when he/she sees the word 'SHERIFF' in big bold letters - that car really slows down - - - we then pull over and let 'er pass - - - then pull back in behind. That car becomes a 'perfect driver' from that point on. And we chuckle chuckle chuckle.


scary - NOT, huh? We have a good time doing this and it really helps out the county. We just patrol, listen, watch and report or assist. Fun Fun Fun!

The crush pad still sits idle but ready to go. Gonna pick some of the whites this saturday.

That picture could raise a few eyebrows of nosy neighbors. Imagine the old lady next door seeing the sheriff stopped in front of "that house where they make that sinful booze- you know, wine and it isn't even for mass!" I hope they throw the book at him!

Really though, it is certainly a noble thing you do.
Sum of a didnt com to just visit me, wuz really just casing my place out then werent ya