My Wife is something special !!!!!!

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
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My wife went to do laundry this morning, came back into the front room and told me that we needed to do something different in covering the bulk aging carboys. So after getting the sewing machine and some material out she set out to make my carboys some pull string blankets. My carboys are now perfectly happy and snug in their blankets ready for a long winters nap.

With the way it looks around here It's gonna be awhile before the snow goes anywhere.

Here are some pics





now that is CUTE! the carboy blankets!

the snow looks like that here too!
That does look really cool, before I would have wanted to hide that corner but now I would want to show it off!
We do not have snow like that here!
And if you get too cold, have her make you one also andy just draw the string up around your neck! They do look great.

Yep, that's snow alright! I hope that isn't the wood furnace smokestack in that first picture with snow. Looks like the wind has blown plenty there too.
Awesome carboy covers!!!!

And OMG, I am glad I live in AZ!!!!
Nice covers. You're a lucky guy to have a gal make stuff like that for you.
Enjoy the snow.
I Am online tonight to officially state that I am tired of all the snow and cold.
We have had 30+ inches of snow over the last 3 weeks plus wind with every snow. We got another 6 in. today and yea the wind just came up to about 35 miles an hour.

We have not had a winter like this since 1996. The local weather station just reported that we are to receive brutally cold temps and windchills of -35 for the next couple of days. On the brite side it can't last forever" CAN IT " ??????

Gosh I hope winter goes away soon! It's actually supposed to get colder here after a 1 day warm (sort of) up. I know I'm complaining and its mild here compared to there but I live here for a reason. The snow does look pretty Bob but I can't imagine living where it snows. At least your carboys have nice coats.
fivebk said:
I Am online tonight to officially state that I am tired of all the snow and cold.
We have had 30+ inches of snow over the last 3 weeks plus wind with every snow. We got another 6 in. today and yea the wind just came up to about 35 miles an hour.

We have not had a winter like this since 1996. The local weather station just reported that we are to receive brutally cold temps and windchills of -35 for the next couple of days. On the brite side it can't last forever" CAN IT " ??????


Can you say "Ice Age?"
This winter is another sign that our obsession is extremely important to the global environment. We must make every effort to properly degas our fermented beverages so that we release the CO2 and help warm the planet.

BTW, love the carboy covers. Your wife is a peach!

show us a picture of your green grass vineyard now......hummmmmmmmmmmm!
bet it looks different


ps it was 60 here today but lots of cold wet fog.
Does make you wonder about global warming just a bit but on the other hand there is no disputing that glaciers that have been around since the dawn of the ice age are disappearing faster than ever.

I see more wood pellets in my near future!
Wine making is at worst CO2 neutral. All of the carbon in the sugar was originally atmospheric CO2, so when we ferment the sugar we are just giving it back.
I love that last picture! The sun reflecting between the sides of the picture is great. I assume it is the window and you are behind it in the warmth of the house?