Na Meta rinsing?

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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2010
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I have a quick question about Na Meta solution rinsing. I use Na Meta because I got some at a very reasonable price. I use it only for cleaning my equipment at this time but would be fine with adding a 1/4 tsp to my carboys if needed. My question however is this, I add about a pint of cleaning strength solution Na Meta to my Carboy's and leave it in there when not in use. When I prepare the carboy for use should I rinse it or just let it drip dry? I am worried it may effect the secondary fermt if I don't rinse. :a1
Drip dry well is fine. Na;meta in wine is fine but some people are more sensitive to taste and state they can taste the saltiness in it. Ive used it twice when i ran out of kmeta for using in my wine and didnt taste any difference myself.
When I first started making wine, I used NA-meta. After just a couple of years, I switch over to K-Meta and I swear it was like night and day. my K-meta wines ended up tasting a lot softer (I guess in the absence of the resulting salts)