EXACTLY! I carry a Bersa 380 with a 6 round clip + one in the chamber. All of which are hollow points, and yes I do have a CC permit. Where my office is in Hamilton, Ohio it's not exactly in the best part of town. While I've never had to pull it and hope I don't I do know it's there if I need it. I'm a commercial/industrial contractor and do lots of work in schools, and prisons. Therefore when i'm on those jobs it gets a lot of time in my truck under lock up.
I have never gotten around to getting my CC but that is not to say I never carry as the situation indicates to me. I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6!
This is not the complete video. Ted hammered Piers Morgan and mostly made sense while doing so. He is a bit extreme though, he carries multiple guns everywhere he goes. Make sure you read the written story for some good Nugent zings.