Years ago we went an hour away from our residance to do a wedding in a small middle of nowhere town. My wife, for the first and you'll see why in a moment, parked my truck. Under the only large tree in the entire parking lot. Estimated to be very hot this day.
Set up for 660 guests (not a typo). We were rockin' away after dinner when a fella asked me if I would announce a license plate number, apparently a branch fell and nicked a few cars. I looked at the plate number and said,
Hold Please" it was mine.
Too busy to leave my wife went to check on the scratch. Came back almost in tears. It's gone. The truck is flat. You can't even see it anymore. She was concerned how we were going to get home. No cell coverage here, couldn't call anyone. Our entire families left that morning to go to the ocean.
An officer came in with my wife and said that he needed to see me outside. I told him NO! No one got hurt, I can't call anyone, I can't get home, I have 660 guests who seriously dancing on their tables including BOTH sets of parents. The brides brother (security at this place but off today) broke the table he was dancing on, 2 table fires from candles, this means I get a new truck and I don't care.
When we are done, whatever time that was is unknown since the brides dad was the President of the college here and we could go till bride said we're done, then I'll deal with it. He changed his tune real quick and said they would take care of it.
6 1/2 hours after we started and we didn't do cocktail hour we were finished. My truck had all the tree cleared off of it. From the tip of the windshield of my explorer all the way back was crushed and buckled metal. Folks who witnessed the branch fall said it was really neat with a bang and glass shooting out as the branch fell @60 ft. It was @8 inches thick and oak.
They put us up at a motel and the next day we got a neighbor to come and get us and equipment. From this day on we still ocassionally hear someone telling us about a wild wedding they were was us. Thankfully this does not happen all the time.
My wife has since never parked my trucks since that day. I would have parked in the same place only I would have backed in. Murphy's law.