I've been thinking of you this evening. Yesterday I bought one of those razor blade scraper things that you rave about. It came with 5 single-edged blades. Today at work a friend gave me a dozen wine bottles so I thought I'd give the new scraper a try. Three of the bottles were mine. (I love getting my own bottles back! The glue stick just washes off in a little warm water!) I filled the others with hot water and put them in a sink with more hot water and left them to soak for a bit. I pulled off the label parts I could then started with the scraper. I remembered your sound advice to get the blade under the edge of the label and to go around the bottle not up and down. I tried that and nothing much happened but I chalked that up to my impatience. I eventually got most of the labels off but was kind of underwhelmed with the scraper. I just now left the last few stubborn ones more time to soak. I looked at the scraper and wondered how to change the blade safely so checked the package directions, checked the scraper, and realized it didn't have a blade in it!
No wonder it didn't work as expected! Yep! Feeling mighty dumb!
No wonder it didn't work as expected! Yep! Feeling mighty dumb!