Not sure about my blueberry wine recipe...

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2010
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I found a blueberry wine recipe but i'm not sure it calls for enough blueberries...Do we use less fruit when using boilling water?

Here she goes:
Blueberry wine (full bodied)
-2lb blueberries
-1lb raisins
-2lb granulated sugar (I prefer powdered corn sugar from the wine store)
-1/2 tsp pectine enzyme
-1 1/2 tsp acid blend
-1/2 tsp yeast energizer
-water up to 1 gallon
-crushed campden tablet
-wine yeast

Bring water to boil, then set aside. Washe and crush blueberries and put in primary fermentor with all ingredient exept yeast. Add the hot water and stir to dissolve sugar. Cover well and allow to cool to 70-75* F, then add yeast. Stir dailyfor 5-6 days or until SG is 1.040.Strain out fruit pulp and press. Siphon into secondary fermentor (I'm guessing a carboy!!??:?) and fit a fermentation trap (I'm guessing an airlock:?). Rack in 3 weeks and again in 3 months,when wine is clear and stable, rack again and bottle. Allow a year to mature. Improves with age...(really I didn't know wine did that ;) ).

I want to multiply for a 6 gallon batch.

Does the recipe make sence, it seems to me like they are not using a lot of fruit... (I'm having douts after my orange wine experience!!;)

Thanks for helping!!

Looks like Jacks recipe
change to
6#'s blueberries per gallon added to straining bag
1/2tsp pectic
sugar to 1.080
Do a TA test BEFORE adding any acid blend
1/2tsp Nutrient
Cote des Blancs yeast
Punch cap 2X daily
Remove pulp @ 1.020
rack @ 1.010
Consider a F-pac and backsweeten
U wll find in time I make ALOT of wine and ALOT of fruit wines.
Look at my signature as proof.. LOL
U wll find in time I make ALOT of wine and ALOT of fruit wines.
Look at my signature as proof.. LOL
I can't wait to retire from the military and be able to get that much into it!! (14 long years left!!)

I just hope I don't bother everyone with all my questions! I'm used to having the instruction guide to follow step by step ;)
It's a done deal, I'm picking up my 30lbs of bb thursday for 50:mny :br

at what point should I take my TA?
yaah jeff! ur doing the right thing! that's been one of the biggest things i've learned from this forum...up ur fruit, up ur fruit!!!
my blueberry has been one of my very fav's so far!
Take your TA before adding yeast s as to get a true reading from letting the pectic enzyme do some work to extract acids.

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