Oak chips and tannin powder

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Sep 12, 2018
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I am making a Montepulciano and will add two ounces of French medium roast oak chips. Is that enough tannin or should I consider some tannin as well. If so, how much.
I am making a Montepulciano and will add two ounces of French medium roast oak chips. Is that enough tannin or should I consider some tannin as well. If so, how much.

I made a juice bucket Montepulciano in 2022, using 4oz oak cubes during bulk aging, but none at primary. The few bottles I’ve opened have been good, but I’m trying to let it age more.

This year I’m doing a Brunello and I’m using 4oz oak chips and 2 TBS tannin powder during primary. 4oz cubes during bulk aging when that time comes.

I’ve also started using tannin powders after the oak cube aging is complete, things like Tannin Complex, FT Rouge, Tannin Richie Extra.
I am making a Montepulciano and will add two ounces of French medium roast oak chips. Is that enough tannin or should I consider some tannin as well. If so, how much.

I am assuming you mean the grape Montepulciano (as in Montepulciano d'Abruzzo), and not the very different wine Vino Nobile de Montepulciano. The former wines are not particularly tannic, and are generally drunk young. As such, I wouldn't add too much tannin myself.