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Junior Member
Jun 24, 2014
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Hello from northern Indiana. I am pretty new to wine making. My wife bought me the kit and supplies to make the first batch as a birthday present and I am hooked! I have made 14 batches since February (2014) mostly from kits, but made some DB and SP too. We also made the Mojito wine that I found in the forum recipe section. I have spent a lot of my free time reading many of the threads on this forum. Just wanted to say thanks to all who arrived at this forum before me and asked all of the questions I have needed answers for and provided some outstanding recipes.

Just wanted to say Hello!:p
Welcome. Sounds like me, but no way could I have achieved 14 kits in 6 months.

With that much invested, I hope you invested in a AIO.

Every time I went to the wine store for a new kit, I came home with another carboy. Still only have 1 fermenter, but when it is empty I am bummed. I know many think wine is much better aged, so I keep making more to see if I can save some to see if it is true. Since I have been making wine, my friends have been drinking wine and I have little left to show for it. :slp

Oh well, I am having fun!
Welcome! I understand "getting hooked". I started (I think) around October 2013, and batches 33 & 34 are in primary. Granted, quite a few were 1 gal or smaller, just to get the hang of it.
so I keep making more to see if I can save some to see if it is true. Since I have been making wine, my friends have been drinking wine and I have little left to show for it. :slp

That's my excuse too (still in the building stage). Although my wife harps on me about the time (and money) I spend making wine, I think she gives away more than we drink.
Welcome to the forum!

Wow! That's a whole bunch of wine making in such a relatively short time. My guess is that it will slow down as your stash builds and you teach a couple of your friends how to make their own. Maybe get a few of your friends a starter kit for their birthday?
Welcome SimpleSimon!

Prodigious output. I think Im gonna have a hard time matching even half that, but
im gonna do my best.

Best, Fran