One last cry for any comments on my false wine

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Jun 11, 2006
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I pitched another yeast((re hydrated for 1/2 hour a couple of hours ago. I see some large bubbles here and there but not what i think fermentation should be starting to look like.

kuice is 75 degrees--The yeast i used is the same 1118and is dated for july 2009

I just remembered the one thing i did that i do not usually do.

I dropped a whole cinnamon stick into the juice before i pitched the original starter bottle. It came from the flea market and someone selling organically grown spices.

I never did anything to the cinnamon stick in the way of soaking or sanitizing.

Any help here????

I'm just trying to find where I messed up if possible before i dump it out.

Edited by: scotty
Don't dump it yet. Give it a few days to see what happens. Younever know when it may take off for you! Science is full of waiting times, and as a scientist,
conducting an experiment, we're once again back to the patience thing!
Ok illl wait a few days but i sure would like some information on adding spice sticks.. Should I have washed and sanitized th cinnamon stick?????
scotty said:
Ok illl wait a few days but i sure would like some information on adding spice sticks.. Should I have washed and sanitized th cinnamon stick?????

I just took thes instructions for a cinnamon wine from jack kellars site.


Put cinnamon sticks and one quart water in a pot with a tight-fitting lid. Bring to a simmer and hold for 10 minutes with the lid on, turn off heat, and let steep for two hours. Strain the water into a secondary and discard the cinnamon sticks. Add sugar to remaining water and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add all remaining ingredients to secondary except Campden and yeast and then pour in the sugar-water. Cover with a napkin held in place with a rubberband and allow to cool. Add Crushed Campden, stir, and allow to sit 24 hours covered. Add activated yeast and recover. Ferment 5-7 days, or until specific gravity falls below 1.030. Fit with airlock and continue fermentation 30 days. Rack into sanitized secondary, top up, and refit airlock. Ferment another 3 months, rack again and ferment additional 3 months. Stabilize, sweeten to taste, and let sit under airlock additional 10 days. Rack into bottles and store in dark place. [Adapted from Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking]
just make sure you have enough oxygen for the yeast I have a fish pump and stone I use on my blueberry wine before pitching yeast.
Scotty I did a spiced apple wine in which I just tossed in 4 cinnamon
sticks into a 6 gallon batch and had no problems what-so-ever except
for trying to clear it but that is typical for apple wine.
I too have used the sticks right from the jar to the fermenter without doing anything to it.

Scotty, the other problem your going to have (if not already) is that you took te bag of pulp and started it again, if you haven't got that blanket of co2 on top to get the air away from it, it has probably oxidized and is no longer any good. Does it smell of vinegar yet? If so, it has gone bad and your yeast mey never start.Edited by: jobe05
We pitch spices right into the liquid too. No boiling or sanitizing. And remember Scotty, even if you don't success in making wine, you succeeded in experimenting!
PolishWineP said:
even if you don't success in making wine, you succeeded in experimenting!

That statement fits me right to a "T". Fortunately, some of my experimenting cam out pretty good, still trying to age the rest......
jobe05 said:
I too have used the sticks right from the jar to the fermenter without doing anything to it.

Scotty, the other problem your going to have (if not already) is that you took te bag of pulp and started it again, if you haven't got that blanket of co2 on top to get the air away from it, it has probably oxidized and is no longer any good. Does it smell of vinegar yet? If so, it has gone bad and your yeast mey never start.

The bag sounds close. I put it in the refer over night and set it out on the counter in a large bowl with the raspberry pulp. then when i set it in the juice(both pulps being in the bag) i was looking for the resident yeasts in the pulp to start fermenting the sugar. I saw action in the form of a white foam emerging from the bag for a couple of days. It never got more than an inch from the bag..

Well i hope it turns to vinegar. i can give lots of it away lol lol.

The Bentonite experiment was a complete success however and is easing my pain over this batch.

Thanks for all the input. I really needed the information and comments.

Maybe ill get Palmolive to help me make my wine.

Oh here is another thought. I have more than one primary and if i ever find opportunity to try a false wine again i will have the sugar water etc ready so the bag can go from one pail to the other..

I have learned a great deal and my level of caution/accuracy will also increase.


Edited by: scotty
just make sure you have enough oxygen for the yeast I have a fish pump and stone I use on my blueberry wine before pitching yeast.

Im as bad as you are Frank. Thats next on my list. My 10K motorcycle engine will be cheaper than this winemaking thing.
You put it in the refrig? Possbile problem right there. How much acid
did you eventually add in total? Good luck and hope it starts bubbling
away today.

I adjusted the acid as required after the acid test and retested and added more till the recomended level was achived. There is a very light layer of foam on the top this morning. this is the first time i saw any solid layer even though it does not come closer than 1/2 inch from the sides of the primary. The cinnamon stick floated to the top today.

Yesterday i stirred the dickens out of it a couple of times. The heating pad and towel thing are holding a nice 75 over night and it went to about 77 during the day yesterday.

I was going to dump it this morning but i hate to lose not knowing why.

A failure is always worth it for the knowledge gained.
I dumped it. Here is what i think happened. When i left it out for a couple of hours it attraceted a few fruit flies that contaminated the juice when i put the fruit in. If thats not it then i will be extra cautious in fooling with a false wine project. I could have put the frozen berries right into the juice and allowed it to thaw before pitching.

No more messing with this one. I am washing out the primary and waiting for mu next batch of whatever. Thanks all for the replys.
Hi Scotty, you didnt answer the question about how much acid you
used, like how many teaspoons? Since your cinnamin stick floated to the
top it looks like maybe they yeast were starting to get it in gear and
were making CO2 and floated your stick? Was there any fizziness when
you dumped it? Did it smell funny or like vinegar?

Cracked Cork said:
Hi Scotty, you didnt answer the question about how much acid you used, like how many teaspoons? Since your cinnamin stick floated to the top it looks like maybe they yeast were starting to get it in gear and were making CO2 and floated your stick? Was there any fizziness when you dumped it? Did it smell funny or like vinegar?


Ill go look at the chart.

i added 20 tsp to get the acidity up to .625--

on the day i dumped it, I stirred the dickens out of it in the early morning i believe that is what got the stick to float. I stirred it heavily twice the day before.
I also spotted a few fruit flies floating on top before idecided to quit.
It had a scent of juice --whatevet that means. Not vinegar.
My lady friend always helps me to sniff the wine for off odors.

The bubbling came after the heavy stirring as it always did but after an hour or so nothing

I have a better piece of elastic to hold the cloth tighter on the primary and i will have the second primary standing by in the future..

I will still be glad to answer any questions that anyone has . possibly some other errors will surface.