One Step cleanser vs C-Brite cleanser

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Nov 24, 2010
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I have been using one step which is an oxygen cleanser (sanitizer) but the nearest wine store to me doesn't sell it. They sell C-Brite cleanser (sanitizer) which is a chlorine based cleanser. The bleach in C-brite scares me a little. Any opinions on either of these? Which is better to use? I use it for sanitzing bottles also. Both are no rinse products. Both are sanitizers but not labeled so because of the extra cost to do so for Gov regulations.
You should not be using C-Brite for any winemaking. B-Brite is OK, but your right, C-Brite is an active chlorine based preparation. Wine and Chlorine are a bad combination.

Many of us use Oxy-Clean or some cheaper generic version that you can buy in the 3lb buckets.
You should be fine without rinsing as long as it is mixed per directions. I myself use the generic OxyClean stuff and I rinse afterwards with clean tap water, let dry on the bottle tree and then sanitize with sulfite solution just before bottling.
You should be fine without rinsing as long as it is mixed per directions. I myself use the generic OxyClean stuff and I rinse afterwards with clean tap water, let dry on the bottle tree and then sanitize with sulfite solution just before bottling.

I agree. I also agree that you should not use a chlorine based product for wine making. The LHBS should know that and not even try to sell it to you.

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