Peach Problem

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Jul 11, 2011
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My first batch of peach has been in the secondaries (2 gal) for 5 days.
Also had most of a fifth under airlock that I was going to use for topping off.
That bottle was the last drawn from the primary and contained a good bit of sediment.
The fifth seemed to stop carbonating. No activity for the past 2 days. So...curiousity got the best of me and I checked it. Smells very yeasty and taste is pungent and not good, though alcoholic.
Hydrometer went to the top 990+. Thinking this should be tossed.
Both of the 1 gallon jugs seem to be doing well. Checked one and the taste was sweet and peachy. Tested at 1.000
Your thoughts and opinion is sought and most certainly welcome.
Id seperate that wine from its sediment and see what happens, Im betting it will come around.
I agree with Wade.

Don't pitch it yet - it is still early - and nothing that you posted really jumps out as a fubared batch.

Rack off the sediment - stabilize it - and add an fpac or backsweeten if you desire to.
Many thanks Gentlemen.
That is what I did. If it can't be saved. (the fifth) I've got some white zin I can top off with.
Right now the wine to the bottom of the airlock in the gallon jugs is 2". Should I top off to be safe? (or am I being anal about my first batch?)
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Tony, Keep it topped offed, many times I use a frozen juice conc. "white grape peach" by Welches. Pre or post stabilization. I've even used it for a "f-Pac" Peach Wine Is ROUGH when young! Much better at 6 mo. Great at a year, win contests at 18 mo. though you need to back sweeten to 1.015 +- , for a good Peach Taste. Roy
Keep it topped offed
Got it!
Appreciate your advice Roy.
Plan on using your recipe for BS Peach next batch.
Gotta drink more wine, so I can get more bottles. :h
Unfortunately there is nothing as exotic as White Grape Peach at either of the major food chains in town.
I can either use the Old Orchard White Grape concentrate which I purchased or the Zin/Chardonnay (in the fridge).
Best bet advice appreciated.
Make sure if you top up with anything sweetened that you use sulfite and sorbate 1st or youll be making wine again!!!
Well, I used sweetened preboiled water (no sulfite or sorbate) for the fifth that tasted sour. I used straight Beringer to top off the one gallon secondaries.

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