Peach wine - acid adjustments

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
My peaches are thawing as I'm typing this and I just realized I have no acid blend. I have a lot of tartaric and some citric. I'm hoping I won't need to adjust, but I'd guess the odds of that are slim. Which acid would be preferable?

Edit: a query of the google machine tells me that primarily MALIC acid is found in peaches, with some citric. I think I'll go with citric, unless someone thinks that would be a mistake.
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My only thought about citric is that if you need to do a large adjustment of the PH, too much citric could give the wine a lemony flavor. I absolutely would not use malic, even if you had some.

What I would do is bench test adjustments using both acids seperately--then use the one that tastes best to you.
Good point on the lemony flavor. Thanks.

Still thawing, but tomorrow I'll get things moving with SO2, pectic, etc. I'll test then.
I would probably do a tartaric-citric blend to raise the pH, since you have both.

Whats the sweet-spot for Peach pH anywho? When I made peach last, all i had was a titration kit and aimed for a 0.65 % TA because my first batch was too sharp being somewhere between 0.70-0.75 %.
I would probably do a tartaric-citric blend to raise the pH, since you have both.

Whats the sweet-spot for Peach pH anywho? When I made peach last, all i had was a titration kit and aimed for a 0.65 % TA because my first batch was too sharp being somewhere between 0.70-0.75 %.

.6-.65 is what I've read. I'll aim to be in that range, but will go by taste. I still have a bit of a hard time going by taste early on though, so the numbers help to give me an idea. I should test my 2012 peach and go from there. Perhaps I will...
Are you reading my mind? :D

I was just going to start thawing mine....but then I got to bottle my blueberry melomel.

how is the peach wine going? I have not started mine yet, have about 33 something pounds frozen looking at me daily...:wy

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