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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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I have a Hanna and it has never given me any problems but last week I could not get it to take a reading on any of my juice buckets nor could I get it to calibrate. I have had it for 4 maybe 5 years, really do not remember when I bought it and I know I could have probably just bought a new probe but I wanted to get something better. I thought of the Vinmetrica 300 but there seems to be a lot of people who are having a lot of problems with it. I know they have a great customer service but, seriously, they have to have a great customer service if they want to continue selling an inferior product.

So I decided to take Dan's advice, even thou he says I give him a rough time and maybe I do but it's not like he doesn't need it!!!!!

Anyway Dan uses the Milwaukee MW102, it goes for around $135 but I found it for $89 and bought it. OMG, I LOVE IT. This thing is so fast and so easy it is unbelievable! So I'm saying kudos to Dan for the suggestion.

And you owe me a case of wine for patting you on the back :h
Awesome Julie, now for the next trick....

Really if I endorse something, it's because I use it or heard other testimonies and believe in it. You know I like my toys. I still haven't had a chance to try out my Ebuliometer yet.