Pineapple Wine

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Senior Member
May 30, 2010
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Costa Rica
I made a 5 gallon batch of pineapple wine back in September. After bulk aging 3 months later I bottled after tasting that it was pretty raw. Other posts say wait 9 months to a year. When will it be drinkable?
If dry then it will really need some time but can you post the recipe used and starting sg cause that can really make a big diff.
Pineapple needs a f-pac and backsweetening.
Like Wade said please post recipe. I have Pineapple aging now. Yes 6 months is min on fruit wines at least for me. Ask Wade I make alot of (fruit) wine.
I made this as a dry wine. I was told after making it that pineapple is astringent and needs time to mellow. I'm just wondering what time periods other people that have made pineapple have found their wine to be drinkable.

20#- pineapple
10#- sugar
4 gal- water
5 tabs- campden
4 tsp- acid blend
2 1/2 tsp - pectic enzyme
1 1/2 tsp - tannin
6 tsp- yeast nutrient
Beginning S.G. - 1.090
Ending S.G.- .990
ABV - 13.6%
I would say right around 6-8 months on that one and it looks like a decent recipe to me with the exception of additional acids/ Pineapple is already pretty high in acids so ant see adding anymore then whats already present.
Thanks Wade. I was told that it could be 2 years. BTW, the Accuvin test kit told me to add that much acid.
OK, Ive never added it to mine and it was actually a little higher then normal range but nothing to write home about.
I have made 2 batches form fresh pineapples so far. On both I added a big f-pac and backsweetened. I bottled in the 6-9 month range. Both came out great.
Did you bottle dry?
Did you add a f-pac?
Did you backsweeten?
Still looking for that one.. its MIA.. But I think I did add some
I let it finish to dry. That's how I like wine. I did not add an f-pack as I like just a slight aftertaste of the fruit that I used. I did backsweeten some to much less than 1.000 and only to take the edge off of the taste although it was so raw tasting that I won't know what I accomplished until it mellows out.
Pineapple needs a f-pac and backsweetening.
Like Wade said please post recipe. I have Pineapple aging now. Yes 6 months is min on fruit wines at least for me. Ask Wade I make alot of (fruit) wine.

I have made 2 batches form fresh pineapples so far. On both I added a big f-pac and backsweetened. I bottled in the 6-9 month range. Both came out great.
Did you bottle dry?
Did you add a f-pac?
Did you backsweeten?

Can someone run me through or point me to a link on how to make an f-pac for pineapple?


Edit... Never mind, found it...

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