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Oct 5, 2012
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Hi everyone I was wondering if I can get some help on my Pinot Grigio.

I started wine making two years ago my first batch was a kit then I jumped right into the juice

The question I have is I started a batch of Pinot Grigio juice back in September using cotes de blanc yeast. After 10 days I racked it to the secondary where I let it sit for two months. Then I came across a topic by Joe thinking outside the box where I added The zest of two oranges two lemons and two grapefruit

At this point I cold stabilized it with the zest for 20 days. Today I racked off the zest into a clean carboy and tasted it.

The citrus taste was overpowering now i I understand the wine is still young but will this mellow down over time? Don't get me wrong I enjoy the taste it's just really overpowering. I was reading other topics and figuring maybe I would have to backsweeten when it's time if it's still too citrusy.(that's another topic I have no idea how to back sweeten if anybody has a link please forward it to me thanks)

The wine cleared a little bit I'm hoping it'll clear more over the next 90 days. It got a little foggy when I put the zest in.

Any suggestions ideas or comments I'm open to anything thanks everyone!!!
Well first off I think you picked a good one for adding citrus to. This is great example of how you can always add more but if you add too much...well that's the rest of the story. This might end up being an awesome patio wine after sweetening. I think it will take a fair amount of sugar to tame down the acid. ADD A SMALL amount at a time.

Work with one gallon first. Warm up a cup of wine in the microwave, remove and dissolve a cup of sugar in it. Add this back into your gallon of wine. Stir and sample. Based off your taste repeat process reducing the amount you add each time. Keep track the total amount you use and use this number to add sugar to the rest of your batch. Stop just before you think you hit your target. It'll sweeten up a bit more over time as the sugar blends in better.
Then I came across a topic by Joe thinking outside the box where I added The zest of two oranges two lemons and two grapefruit

The citrus taste was overpowering now i I understand the wine is still young but will this mellow down over time? Don't get me wrong I enjoy the taste it's just really overpowering.

It's scary outside the box! :sh:bt
Running wolf: thanks for the advice. I'm hoping time will tame it down too.

Sour grapes : hell yes it's scary lol... But I love it, I get to experiment
Also my first juice batch ever was last year and the wine supplier told me to just add yeast and rack as normal then bottle at 9 months.....that's it!

Well that didn't work out and only tasted good for the first few bottles. Then the rest tasted like crap, I'm guessing it went bad,

This time I am adding sulfites