Pomegranate sanity check

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Feb 24, 2011
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The local store had a sale on pomegranate juice. They were actually free if you purchase anything of equal value, since I spent fifty bucks I was able to get 6 bottles of this 100% pomegranate seeds. Looks about 3.5 to 4 cups of juice and seeds a bottle. I have been making fruit wine for 15 years but never made a pomegranate wine. I looked up six recipes but didn’t like any of them so I put this together. I am making 3 gallons since they are the only carboys I have free. Please let me know what you think.
6 jars of 2.4 lbs. Pomegranate juice and seeds (14.4 lbs.)
sugar to ( I.S.G. 1.090 )
3 tsp pectic enzyme
6 tsp Acid blend
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp tannin
4# golden raisins.
Champagne Yeast.

I also have some questions. Should I use a fruit bag? Do you mash the little blobs? Also it seems like I'll be adding a lot of water. I was contemplating adding apple juice to guarantee it is not too watered down. I Appreciate any input.

apple juice or white grape juice, both will keep it from being watery, pomegranate is one i have never done, but when i do banana or persimmon then a juice is beyond handy,
Pomegranate is naturally very acidic. I would hold off adding any more acidity until you have a chance to taste the wine and see if it needs more acidity to increase the TA to about 6 or 7 g/L . My guess is that it won't.
As for pH my guess is that that will be close to 3.0 after the yeast have had their day. If you have a meter you may want to check that. The strength of the acids are important when it comes to shelf life and stability of the wine (and how much SO2 you want to add before bottling).

If you add the pectic enzyme 12 hours or so before you pitch the yeast they will help extract some juice but you could also freeze the seeds before that and the water in the fruit will form ice crystals that will rip the walls of the cells to shreds and release a great deal of the juice when you allow the seeds to come back to room temperature. You are planning on adding water to make 3 gallons with a scant 5 lbs of fruit per gallon. That is a good ratio for a country wine , although when I have made pomegranate wine I have used commercially made pomegranate juice with no added water.

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