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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Wade and Dan have almost conviced me to go from grapes instead of doing kits. I know long term it will be worth it.
So I went to M&M in CT ( and was talking to him about options. He has chilean grapes coming in a month and some good deals on frozen must for not much more than the grapes after having them destem.

1) Should I try this route and if so which one - fresh grapes or frozen must or does it not matter to much?

2) I guess I would need a press. Does it matter which one (other than size)? I read a few great things about the bladder press and stpats has one for more than I want to spend but would if it's makes that much of a difference and would last forever.

2a) Can the bladder presses also do apples?

Where is the best place to get a press? I don't think I know anyone locally that has one to borrow.
Hey Rob,

I would rent or borrow the equipment for a few years. It really makes no sense to purchase these high priced pieces of equipment for only a couple hundred pounds of grapes once a year. Your LHBS will rent both pieces of equipment for a small fee. If you end up staying with the hobby and go crazy (1000lbs of grapes) then it makes some economic sense. The bladder press is quite an advancement over the ratchet press but it can't do apples. You would tear a hole in the bladder in no time and they are not cheap to replace.

Unless you have :mny to burn just rent that stuff for a few years if and until it makes more sense.
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I would have to agree with Mike on this. I certainly would not buy the bladder press and expect to do apples. The seeds have pretty sharp ends and could tear the bladder and they are quite expensive.
ok thanks. I will see if any of my local places rent presses. Maybe Wade would rent me his?

What about fresh vs frozen? What's the difference in the wine being made?
I really dont think any place around here rents equipment they just arent big enough or just dont want to deal with it. Most places will crush and destem them for you when you buy the grapes though. I dont have experience with the frozen must myself so cant speak there. You can borrow my press there Rob Ill charge 1 or 2 bottle of skeeter pee! Rob, do you or would you lke to use any magnums. I have some here delabeled here that I wont use and want to get rid of them. No rush but if you dont want them Im going to get rid of them except for like 2 or 3 to use for overage.
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