Probably going to have to have some answers.

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Got a phone call on the way home from work last nite. I repaired an airconditioner for some folks during the summer. They said they had a bunch of grapes that they didn't use and did I want them?? I said sure and kinda forgot about it. The lady called and said they are ready. Will not be able to get to them til the first of the week, but if there is enough to make a batch, will be doing some reading and asking about how to make real grape wine. After I see them, the first question will probably be how many pounds do I need. Probably won't be able to tell what kind they are other than red or white. Will ask more later. Arne.
Gee, FREE FRUIT!!!! Just about every WMT member's dream!

Figure roughly on 3 pounds per 750ml bottle of FINISHED wine.
15 to 16 pounds per gallon of FINISHED wine.

Let us know more when you pick them up. A picture of them would be even better.
Looked at them Friday. STill some green ones in the bunches. Probably gonna get after them in the next day or two, tho. They taste pretty good, sweet and juicy. They are pretty small, maybe 1/2 to 5/8 inch. Will see what happens. Arne.

Never figured the pic thing out. Someday when I have lottsa time will try it. I am pretty much puter illiterate. Kids are all married off and gone, my wife knows less about this than I do. Will find help if I need it tho, LOL, Arne
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I like to target high - so i have wine to top off with.

I figure 18#'s per gallon...
Picked the first batch last week. Little over 2 buckets, had 32 pounds. Destemed by hand, mashed witha potatoe masher. Have them in a fermenting bag and in the freezer. 3 buckets yesterday, going to destemthem today, crush them with the masher and stick them in the freezer. Last batch had a brix of about 10. There was not a great amount of juice, but used the juice from the bottom of the bucket to check it. After today, will pick again, should be about 5 more buckets.
Now for the questions.
When I get them all picked and in and out of the freezer do I just throw the whole works in the primary or should they be pressed before going in. The grapes are a nice purple, nobody knows for sure what they are. After they thaw out, and before I start anything will take a S.G. reading. Do I add enough to bring it up to 1.085 or so? Will the brix come up a bit after pressing or did the juice that ran out give a correct brix for what juice is left inside the grape also?
Have been doing some reading on this, but have not seen for sure how it is done. Saw one post said you do not have to destem, just press and use the juice. That would be easy, hand desteming is a long job. LOL. Appreciate any help. Will get thru this and hopefully have some great wine. Thanks, Arne.
If the brix were 10, then I would say that they might not be ripe yet. How did they taste?

Not too bad. Picked more last week, didn't check the brix when I was done. Just stuck them in the freezer. Going to get some more this week. Think the brix might have come up a bit. The folks that have them want them out of there. The birds tend to pick em and make a mess with them. I should wind up with over a hundred pounds. Sure takes a long time to destem them by hand when you are doing them all by yourself. Hope it will be worth it. Bout one more picking and it will be time to throw them in the primary. Will check the brix on the new batch. Don't think I will be able to get them til at least tomorrow, tho. Arne.
Picked the last of them yesterday. Brix was 15. They were ripe, many falling off the vines. Good flavor, pretty sweet. I know they need more sugar. Now the big question. I stemmed them by hand. Crushed em up with a potatoe masher. Wind up with lots of skins, not a lot of juice. Going to dump em all in a primary. How do I figure out how approx. how much wine I will wind up with? I will have approx. 125 lb. of grapes, will weigh em when I finish stemming and crushing. After a week or so fermenting I amgoing to run them thru the apple press. Do I wait and find out for sure how much juice there will be? I have to put some k-meta in, for now just guess? Kathy says to wait til after the press to add the additional sugar. She says too much of the sugar will go with the skins and pulp. Also, do I add some water with it? The juice does not taste too acidic. Thanks in advance, Arne.
You can figure about 18 pounds per gallon. So you are looking at a little less than 7 gallons.

I would probably figure on 6 gallons for your additions. You can always add more but you can't take it away. So add k-meta for 6 gallons. It should be sufficient.

I would make any adjustments up front. Calculate how much sugar you need to add for 6 gallons to bring the brix up where you want it. Then add a bit less sugar - let it dissolve and check the brix. It's easier to add more sugar than to take it out! So adding less and checking it will ensure you don't overshoot your brix.

Are you going to bother checking the acid? I suspect it is high. If it is too high you can add water to reduce it. I would add sugared water with the brix you desire if you want to go that route.

If the must tastes pretty good I might be tempted just to move forward with the sugar and yeast and see what comes out the other side. You may want to sweeten at the end if the acid is out of balance.

For the future:

Destemming by hand using a screen makes the job a bit easier. Here's a video showing one method.

Thanks, Greg
Will remember about the screen for next time. Have about 14 gal. including pulp and skins. Added 1/2 tsp k-meta. Now waiting til tomorrow to see how things turn out. Have a acid test kit, but either it doesn't get along with me or I don't get along with it. LOL, anyway, will taste it again tomorrow. That was kind of how I was leaning on the sugar thing. Will test the brix in the morning. If I have time will add the sugar and pitch the yeast. Would like to get it started as don't want the fruit sitting for too long without some co2 or alcohol on it. Do we add pectic enzime with grapes? And bentenite or forget it unless it is needed to clear. Arne.
Just a caution, when you add sugar - make sure it is completely dissolved when you take your brix reading. Even when you think you have it all dissolved, it may not be. I made that mistake again this year.

Yes, you can add pectic enzyme now. It will help. I typically don't add fining agents unless it is actually needed. But that's me. Others may suggest to add bentonite. Personally, I wouldn't. It may be beneficial for speeding the clarification of white wines but not so necessary for reds.
Added the pectic, used all I had. Wasn't quite enouogh, but will add more later if I need it. Will put the sugar in as simple sugar. Should make it easier to get a reading. Will be a couple of days tho, going to wait til the s.g. is down to 1.020, then press. Will add the sugar after. Pretty cold in the basement already, putting some heat down there. Ferment has kinda started, but really slow. More later. Arne.
Ferment went really fast. Went down to 1.010 in a couple of days. Took the pulp out, was in strainer bags. Pressed it down in a apple press. Wound up with about 11 1/2 gal. total. Added enough sugar so the s.g. was about 1.085 total. Another 3 or 4 days and it had fermented back to approx.1.000. Transfered to carboys last night. The vac. pump made it really easy. Had to buy another 20 foot of tubing, but was well worth it. No lifting. Anyway, in the carboy, taste is going to be pretty good. Too much yeast and sediment in it to get a decent taste, but will be able to in a couple weeks. Letting it sit now, when it finishes secondary will add a bit of k-meta and rack off the lees. Probably going to wind up with about 10 gal. to bottle. Gettin close to time to put the crabapples in the fermenter, gotta get some more supplies first, tho. This has been fun, if the grapes are offered, will probably try it again next year. Will bring this back up when I get a good taste of it. Arne.

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