Projects when you have too much time on your hands.

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Mar 1, 2009
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Ever wonder how much wine was in that carboy or primary bucket? Me too! So today I started a new project before Rod thought of it. I took 1/2 pvc and mark increments on them for each 1/2 gallon of wine. I will have one for each type and size of container.

This is a picture of the measuring rods. Measurements did not show up very well in picture.


This is the capsule I will store them in with a few inches of k-meta so they will be sanitized inside and out.


Complete capsule with screw top.


I also made a capsule to keep my enolmatic filter in when not in use. It is filled with k-meta and citric acid.


I really need to find a job!!!!
Did you really need 6 of them or did you make a few for friends?
Did you really need 6 of them or did you make a few for friends?

Thanks now you'll have Julie on my back tomorrow at the big party! LOL I bought three 4' pieces and just cut them to length to fit in the capsule. I will want one for a primary, and carboys 3,5,6 and 6.5 sizes ( just because I have enough tubes to do so).
Does the k-meta take the marker ink off those?

Or did you do them a different way....
When I put this together I soaked the capsule and tubes with PBW the first day. Today I marked two of the tubes with a sharpie. Since I will only have about three inches of k-meta in it I don't see that as a problem. If they did start to fade I have an engraver that I could make small etchings with so I don't lose the marks.
I had a similar idea last week. I ended up with a wooden ruler to hold up beside a carboy. Your's look much more versatile.