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I have been reusing screwed caps for about 10 years now. I mostly make Rubarb wine, 10 gallons a year, because we have a huge rubarb patch. Most of it gets drank within 2 years, or given away . 

I seal the caps with paraffin wax and have never had any go bad.

I melt the wax in a double boiler. (please research how to melt in a double boiler,  it's dangerous if you don't) I invert the bottles in the melted wax watching for bubbles,  it's sealed when they stop.

Two years ago I made a kit red wine.

These I borrowed a Corker for knowing they would be aged in the bottles. I did use bottles designed for corks.

Opened my first one on Father's Day, wow, I will be doing more red kits.
