Question about a skeeter pee Margarita

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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My favorite Margarita is about 2 parts lime juice, one part Lemon juice and at least one part orange juice, besides the tequila and countreau.

Could i make a skeeter pee out of 1 or 2 parts lime juice, 1 or 2 parts lemon juice and 1 or 2 parts orange juice. Would it ferment and make a sp.

I would then add Tequila and Contreau.

What do you guys think?
I bet it will work just fine for you. I think I would make sure the temps stay warm, which in Fla. you shouldn't have any problem, keep whipping the oxygen in it, and step add the ingredients. Start out adding a little of your lemon, lime and orange and add the rest as the ferment progresses. Arne.

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