question on pineapple.

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Oct 21, 2008
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i was wondering if I added pineapple extract if that would help it taste a little more like pineapple. mine just tastes like alcohol but with no real flavor. or if there are any other suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. or maybe some pineapple juice with a camden tablet added.
As long as you have added k-meta (campden) and potassium sorbate, you could add some concentrated pineapple juice to sweeten it and add flavor. You want a lower than normal ABV with pineapple so the alcohol doesn't overpower the subtle flavors. You could also try sweetening a bit to help bring out the flavor- just make sure to add the k-meta and k-sorbate.

As a side note, the grape wine I make from a varietyAdalmiina (ES 6-16-30) tastes more like pineapple than does pineapple wine! Go figure!