Some recipes say to rack to the secondary when SG reaches 1.03, or 1.01, etc. And then monitor SG until it reaches a level that indicates fermentation has stopped. Then add sulfite and sorbate.
Some recipes say to rack to the secondary after 5 days, or 7 days, etc. This is pretty much after fermentation has ceased, and seems to be the easiest. Because there's no daily monitoring of SG. Just wait 7 days, check SG to make sure it's appx 0.996, rack into the secondary, and add sulfite and sorbate. Kill a bunch of birds with one stone.
Yet, since it's so easy, one or more of Murphy's Laws would probably refute its validity.
So, tell this green horn what you do, and why. Please.
Some recipes say to rack to the secondary after 5 days, or 7 days, etc. This is pretty much after fermentation has ceased, and seems to be the easiest. Because there's no daily monitoring of SG. Just wait 7 days, check SG to make sure it's appx 0.996, rack into the secondary, and add sulfite and sorbate. Kill a bunch of birds with one stone.
Yet, since it's so easy, one or more of Murphy's Laws would probably refute its validity.
So, tell this green horn what you do, and why. Please.