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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2011
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I may not have spelled that correctly, but it's those pretty bed berries that resemble blackberries only they're red. Any way, I have planted a couple of bushes and they are growing good. I'm not familiar with what the plant does and I've been reading about care and maintenance. My question has to do with supporting the bushes. Should I build a trellis to support them or what? The articles I've read don't say one way or the other. Can I assume thay do not need trellissing? Is that even a word? Thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Maybe some people trellis them. However, I have never seen them trellised and we have a lot of them here in Wisconsin. I have seen them with a wire stretched between posts to help support the vines.
Not needed as they want to fall to the ground to do their shoot offs which are what you need to grow more and spread.
Wade and hannabarn. thanks for the quick response. Guess I'll just have to trin them to grow in a row. Wife would have a fit if they grew willie nillie.

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