Raspberry and......?

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
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So my uncle tells me tonight he has 4 pounds of homegrown red raspberries to give me. They have been In his deep freezer for a couple years and he has to make room for a huge new crop.

I told him I would take them, I figure a few years frozen can't hurt.

But any ideas what I could make?
I know I could do a standard triple berry dragon blood, but I am looking for an idea to experiment with.
Raspberry and blackberry?
Raspberry and strawberry?
I am thinking:
Strawberry/raspberrythen again I may just go to target and buy what every cheap frozen berries they have and throw it all in!
of course I am leaning towards
Raspberry and blackberry,
However if I were to go that route, why not just add some blueberry and made it dragon blood!
What about raspberry vannilla. You can buy whole vannilla beans at Walmart but they are really expensive. Around 9 bucks for two!
What about raspberry vannilla. You can buy whole vannilla beans at Walmart but they are really expensive. Around 9 bucks for two!

That is a great idea, Thanks.

I just wonder how many vanilla beans I would need for a 6 gallon batch!
Well I've heard someone talking about a JAOM variant that they made with raspberries and vanilla and they used one or two per gallon. Not very economical!
You can buy Madagascar vanilla beans on Amazon - 5 beans including shipping for around $6.00.
i would buy 6, and try one at a time until you have the right flavor...
keep the left overs for cooking....like a custard, ice cream,cream puffs,creme brule, etc...

I just picked up the raspberrys from my uncle. He threw in an extra back of Blackberries and a jar of Dilly Beans!

I am going to owe him like 5 bottles.

I am thinking I am going to try Raspberry and Blueberry.
I have searched all over and can find no information on this type of blend.
I am going to give it a shot. Just hope it is not a flusher!

That combination sounds really good.

What are dilly beans?
Dilly beans = pickled green beans. I add garlic, onion, and hot peppers to mine.
Dilly beans = pickled green beans. I add garlic, onion, and hot peppers to mine.

I gotcha, thanks. I guess I could have just googled it, but that would have been too easy. :)