Recommendations for a kit Chardonay please

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Jul 7, 2023
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I have made quite a few red kit wines and would like to try my hand at a Chardonay. Problem is I don't like the usual sharp acidic Chardonays. My favorite value Chardonay is La Crema which is more "mellow".

Recommendations for a suitable kit please.
Here is one that I experimented with and was very pleased. The kit make 12 gallons of wine instead of the usual 6 gallons. What I did was to make the entire batch in a 20 gallon fermenter and when I was ready to move to secondary fermenters, I chose 3 gallon carboys and then flavored each one differently. One was with lemon zest, on with nectarine (I was going to use peaches but could not find any really ripe fruit) and one with green apples (Granny Smith). All of them turned out very pleasing. The lemon zest would likely be to sharp for you as would the green apple but the peach is a possibility or you could make a fruit pack with pears and perhaps a little wildflower honey.